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ICAMCyL Newsletter #2 - Raw Materials Week and upcoming MIREU high-level meeting

Icamcyl en los medios / 27-12-2018


High-Level Policy Workshop on "Governance and Policy within Mining and Metallurgy EU Regions" co-organised by ICAMCyL and MIREU

León, 15th January 2019


This will be the first in a series of high-level policy workshops to be celebrated as part of the MIREU project, focusing on the future of mining and metallurgy sectors in European regions. In this workshop we will:

  • Discuss a European roadmap by exchanging best practices on how to foster sustainable mining through Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3).
  • Set up a European-wide mirror of regions considering mining and metallurgy within their Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3).
  • Create a large-scale demonstrator boosting mining and metallurgy, covering everything from primary to end-user applications, to ensure the main industrial value chains’ core of the economic engine.
  • Cluster and interlink present EU initiatives on raw materials, mining and metallurgy at regional level.

Confirmed speakers and final agenda will be announced soon.

Registration is free, but limited places are available. REGISTER NOW >



Raw Materials Week 2018: Experience and reflections

The Raw Materials Week, organized by the European Commission, is the most important event for the raw materials sector in Europe and a big opportunity for all those involved in the raw materials community to address relevant issues such as innovation; new technologies and activities; economic, social and environmental sustainability; international cooperation and exchange of best practices, and more.

This year's main event (6th Annual High-Level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on raw materials) took place on November 14th under the title "Raw Materials for a low-carbon and circular economy". The importance of the batteries sector for the EC was highlighted, specifically the need to secure funding and investment across the whole value chain. Current challenges and solutions to strengthen the value chains across the EU and to improve a sustainable supply of raw materials were also highlighted and discussed. 

On Tuesday 13th, ICAMCyL attended the Horizon 2020 Raw Materials Information and Brokerage Event, where the different raw materials calls in H2020 were presented alongside other relevant Calls for proposals from ERA-MIN2 and KIC EIT Raw Materials. In the afternoon brokerage session, ICAMCyL presented two project ideas for collaborative proposals related to the implementation of novel solutions for the digital mine and the recovery/recycling of aircraft tyres. The event finalised with the official opening of the 10th Anniversary of the Raw Materials initiative and the poster session where ICAMCyL participated with three different posters.


Raw Materials Industrial Workshop: “Raw Materials in the Core of EU Industrial Value Chains”


As part of the Raw Materials Week 2018, ICAMCyL and the COST Action CRM-Extreme organized an official, industry-oriented satellite event on Monday 12th to discuss the role of raw materials in the EU industry value chains. The workshop brought together several international experts and stakeholders from the raw materials sector, with representatives from the aerospace, automotive, automation, capital goods, steel and energy industries, to discuss policies and initiatives on raw materials and the important role of regional specialisation strategies (RIS3).

The event, which included poster and networking session, was a complete success and a great opportunity to debate and discuss current trends and opportunities in a sector of high relevance for the EU.





International Forum "Future of Mining Municipalities" (19-20th Nov 2018, Bembibre, Spain)

A number of experts from different areas attended this event with the aim of exchanging best practice and seek alternative solutions for the mining municipalities of León and Palencia. ICAMCyL participated in the session on agro-tourism and endogenous resources.

National Congress of the Environment (27th Nov 2018, Madrid, Spain)

Key Conference for the environmental sector. ICAMCyL participated in the debate on nanomaterials and future challenges.+info

4th MC and WGs meeting for COST Action MINEA (26-27th Nov 2018, Budapest, Hungary)

ICAMCyL was represented in the 4th Management Committee Meeting and Working Group Meetings for COST Programme Action "Mining the European Anthroposphere - MINEA". +info

EIT Raw Materials CLC-South Partners' Meeting (28-29th Nov 2018, Milán, Italy)

Presentation of new projects and partners. ICAMCyL will be officially project partner of the KIC Raw Materials from 1st January 2019. We also participated in the Brokerage Pitches event.

REMIX Peer-Review Visit 8 (10-12th Dec 2018, Fundão, Portugal)

Overview of critical raw materials and their current situation in the industry and the importance of clustering. Included visits to Panasqueira old mines and clustering session with MIREU project. +info




ICAMCyL is currently participating in several European projects from funding programmes like Horizon 2020, COST or KIC Raw Materials. Find some of them below.

Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions (CRM-EXTREME)

CA15102 - Cost Action

The Action focuses on the substitution of CRMs in high value alloys and metal-matrix composites used under extreme conditions in Energy, Transportation and Machinery manufacturing industries. +info

Mining the European Anthroposphere (MINEA)

CA15115 - Cost Action

This action aims to an advance in the integrated evaluation of primary and secondary resources that is necessary to ensure the future supply of raw materials. +info

See full list of projects




High Level Meeting + MIREU Steering & Progress Meetings (15-16th January 2019, León, Spain)

ICAMCyL is co-organizing and hosting this event on 15th that will bring together national and international high-level experts from different mining European regions. The day after, the Steering and progress MIREU meetings will take place. +info

24th month NEXTOWER project meeting (7-8th Feb 2019, Turin, Italy)

All partners participating in NEXTOWER will join together next February in Turin to share recent advances and next steps within the project. NEXTOWER is aimed at developing advanced materials for the next generation high efficiency CSP tower systems. +info

Spanish meeting "Modelling, characterisation and development of metallic alloys for nuclear applications" (27-28th Feb 2019, Madrid, Spain)

Organised by CIEMAT, this meeting will bring together all the Spanish actors and research groups in the field of metallic alloys for nuclear applications to promote collaboration and coordination. ICAMCyL will present our advanced capabilities in modelling and simulation. +info


ICAMCyL is looking for exceptional candidates to join our multidisciplinar team. If you have a degree (preferably a PhD) in a technical discipline (Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, etc.), an excellent track-record (publications, participation in projects, business development), advanced English skills and would like to join our project contributing to any of our Scientific Divisions, please send us your CV to:, including a cover letter and the names of two referees. We are currently interested in advanced/senior profiles within the following areas:

  • Mining and processing
  • Advanced functional (nano)materials
  • Additive manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  • Materials design and modelling
  • Raw materials and the circular economy
  • Batteries and other energy systems

We do not have any open positions at the moment but several positions are expected to be available early 2019.

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