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About us

The International Center for Advanced Materials and raw materials of Castilla y León (ICAMCyL) is a non-profit private research foundation and competence center, founded by some of the main industries from the CyL region with the support of the regional government. ICAMCyL is key player in the European strategy for the efficient management of industrial resources, energy efficiency, eco-innovation and substitution of critical raw materials with the aim of promoting the development of advanced materials for the regional network of industries and the valorization of the Castilla y León richness in raw materials, in line with its Smart and Intelligent Specialization Strategy (RIS3)

ICAMCyL has been founded thanks to the interest and economical contribution of the main industries of Castilla y Leon, being shareholders or part of its industrial panel relevant international companies in the sectors of mining and transformation of raw materials (TVITEC, PEAL, INTAUXMA), engineering and advanced technology (TELICE, TRESCA) or automotive and aerospace. Moreover ICAMCyL has access to key mining infrastructures; as Competence Center we have relevant Trustees from the mining sector and assocaited operators that will bring closer the industrial value of raw materials, and its possible uses and applications.

ICAMCyL is linked and devoted to the promotion of the regional industrial competitiveness, with an Industrial Alliance of 76 SMEs and Large Enterprises that define its own intrinsic pathway into industrial innovation. Moreover, ICAMCyL has promoted the constitution of the Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) with almost 40 regional and national industries from the sector of the extractive industry and associated services. ICAMCyL holds the General Management and Technical Secretary of the cluster.

We are an expert partner in advanced materials and nanomaterials preparation and characterization, materials testing and integrated computational engineering including multiscale modelling; energy storage, environmental compatibility, eco-innovation; life-cycle modelling and assessment, value chain design & innovation policy; circular economy and raw materials processing. Thanks to our active participation in the European Innovation Platform of Raw Materials (EIP Raw Materials), as well as in key EU projects like MIREU (“Mining and Metallurgy regions of EU”., ICAMCyL contribute to the necessary clustering actions in Europe. In close cooperation with the Government of Castilla y Leon (DG Energy and Mines), we define and adapt regional integrated roadmaps in synergy with the RIS3 in Castilla y León and mirroring to other EU regions and its smart regional specialization.  ICAMCyL is working intensively in ICT solutions and data management of raw materials and reserves in the territory. We have already created a catalogue of tailings with digital access and we will contribute to the RMIS initiative (

ICAMCYL is part of NODDO: a reference network in innovation and technological development in Castilla y León. NODDO is a private non-profit entity that brings together the nine technological centers of Castilla y León. It is an initiative funded by the Junta de Castilla y León through ICE, the Institute for Business Competitiveness.


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