Spanish Technological Platform for Advanded Materials and Nanomaterials
ICAMCyL has established numerous alliances that enhance our positioning in the international context. We are present in the main European forums with relevance for the current and future activities of the Foundation in our fields of interest. These alliances strenghten our image and identity, allow the creation of fruitful synergies and give us the opportunity to find common goals for the development of new technological solutions. ICAMCyL was born as a competence center focused on helping the industry as a way of promoting regional development. For this reason, we constantly work to grow our partners and alliances at different levels. They reinforce our presence and impact, and help us act as a real support for the needs of the industry and the development of our territory.
Find below our most relevant alliances and partnerships:
This Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernization (S3P- Industry) is focused on Mining industry, related industries and services and global value chains. The background for this partnership is in Interreg Europe project Remix and H2020 project MIREU. This partnership operationalises the work of these projects and shift the focus on inter-regional investments.
The aims of the partnership are:
The S3P on mining industry involves two leading regions, Lapland and North Karelia (Finland), and five participating regions: Asturias and Castilla y León (Spain), Kainuu (Finland), Sterea Ellada (Greece) and Västerbotten (Sweden).
This Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernization (S3P- Industry) was launched in October 2018. The main objective of the partnership is to develop joint R&D&I projects on topics of advanced materials, their characterisation, durability, suitable for extreme working conditions with the goal to deploy them in the field of batteries. Batteries here are electro-chemical products with the final goal of enabling electro-mobility and enhancing the capacity and performance of stationary energy storage.
This platform includes the participation of entities from several European regions: Castille and Leon, Basque Country, Catalonia (ES), Flanders (BE), Rhones-Alpes (FR) and Slovenia to name a few. Key objectives are:
This platform involves three leading regions, Andalusia, Castilla y León (Spain) and West Slovenia (Slovenia) and other 23 participating regions from Spain, Austria, France, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Netherlands, Italy and Norway.
In the European landmark, ICAMCyL development lines will be reinforced with the inclusion and participation in relevant international associations. As of today, ICAMCyL is present in several association, alliances and committees of strong relevance at European level, we can highlight the following:
Technology Platforms are public-private partnerships usually lead by the industry, with the aim of establish a coordinated shared estrategic action or plan in order to identify and priorise needs and requirements at research and technical innovation levels. From ICAMCyL we consider the participation in these technology platforms part of our Strategic Innovation Plan, and in this way we direct part of our resources to be present and participate from all those national and international platforms that will enhance our positioning. Some of the platforms where ICAMCyL already takes part are:
Spanish Technological Platform for Advanded Materials and Nanomaterials
Spanish Technology Platform for Concentrated Solar Energy
European Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies
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