Newsletter #5: ICAMCyL keeps up the hard work with a new European project for the Circular Economy and much more
Icamcyl in the media / 26-05-2020
This first half of 2020 is being hard on everyone, but we keep pushing to foster new projects and initiatives all across Europe. A new Horizon 2020 project led by French multinacional tyre manufacturer Michelin, BlackCycle, has just kicked off; COST Action MINEA comes to an end with a strong commitment for continuity; Interreg SMARTY and EIT's INNOCAT follow their path successfully and we welcome the new website of the Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC). Continue reading to learn more!
BlackCycle, a new European project for the recovery of tyres that will promote the Circular Economy across the European Union
The BlackCycle project, led by French tyre manufacturer Michelin, will have a huge impact on tyres' recycling and valorisation in Europe, aiming at recovering up to 50% of the European stock for its reutilisation in high-performance technical applications. Read more about the BlackCycle project >
The Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) presented as a success story to the European Commission in Finland
ISMC’s director Santiago Cuesta presented the latest achievements of the cluster in terms of regional strategy and smart specialization. He contributed with his vision on how these industrial associations are instrumental for a more sustainable and circular future. Discover the conclusions of this conference here >
EIT's project INNOCAT progresses at a good pace towards a replacement for PGMs in vehicles' catalysts
INNOCAT brings together partners from 8 RIS countries to work in the replacement and reuse of critical platinum-group metals (PGMs), used in vehicles' catalysts. The consortium has already held its third meeting and ICAMCyL is progressing in the results >
ICAMCyL actively participated in the SMARTY Interregional Thematic Seminar in Belgium
SMARTY project partners representing seven European regions met in Leuven on February to exchange good practices on regional policies aimed at supporting SMEs in their knowledge and integration of Industry 4.0 solutions. Read more about this SMARTY event here >
COST Action MINEA comes to an end with a strong commitment for continuity in its Final Conference
We travelled to Bologna to participate in this Final Conference of MINEA, where our colleague Marta Alonso presented the latest results on the current knowledge and knowledge gaps for resource assessment. Read more on our systematic review of case studies and conclusions >
ICAMCyL launches a European technology platform for post COVID-19 recovery of local economies
This European technological platform will promote the recovery of local economies after the crisis caused by COVID-19 by helping SMEs in their return to economic activity through the action of industrial clusters. Learn more about this initiative >
University of Oviedo and ICAMCyL sign a cooperation agreement to promote research and innovation
This cooperation agreement aims at fostering research and generation of scientific and technological knowledge in the main lines of work of both institutions, including sustainable mining, raw and advanced materials, smart processing technologies and circular economy. Find out more >
The ISMC keeps growing!
The Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) continues the hard work with upcoming projects and new members. We represent now to more than 60 companies and organisations in the raw materials and mining sectors. Visit ISMC's website to read our latest news and to learn how to become a member >