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ICAMCyL organises an industrial workshop in the frame of the raw materials week in Brussels

Icamcyl in the media / 22-10-2018

ICAMCyL, founded thanks to the interest and economic contribution of the main industries from Castilla y León and the support of the León Provincial Council and the regional government, organises on the 12th of November an industrial event in the frame of the Raw Materials Week (RMW). The RMW is held since three years ago in Brussels as annual meeting point for the European raw materials community for exchange of experiences, and to discuss aspects related to framework policy, international cooperation and and the development of novel technologies with the raw materials sector. The highligh of the week is the 6th High Level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials that will take place on Wednesday 14th and fcusing this year on raw materials for a low carbon circular economy.     

Two days earlier, on Monday 12th, ICAMCyL in collaboration with the European project CRM-EXTREME ( is organising an international workshop focusing on SMEs and enterprises, to discuss aspects related to raw materials as the core of EU industrial value chains. The event will be coordinated by ICAMCyL General Director Santiago Cuesta López, and different points of view from industrial sectors like aerospace, automotive or batteries will be discussed, with notable representatives from the industrial sector like Umicore or Ford, and associations like EASN (European Aeronautics Science Network). Then different European platforms and strategies in the frame of raw materials and industry will be presented, inclduing practical cases from regions like Lapland (Finland), Marche (Italy) or Castilla y León (Spain). Finally, a session focusing on SMES within the raw materials sector will take place, with the participation of three relevant EU SMEs as case study. A networking session inclduing an elevator pitch and a poster session will close the event, that will count with the presence of relevant authorities includuing Pirita Lindholm, director of ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network) or Tony Hand, senior asesor in mining technologies and sustainability for the Knowledge Innovation Community for Raw Materials (KIC Raw Materials) from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

The workshop is supported by DG GROW (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), responsible for EU policy on the single market, industry, entrepreneurship and small businesses; being this event part of the Raw Materials Week programme as official side event

All the information (inclduing registration) about the event can be found on this link. Free attendance but registration is compulsory - Very limited number of spaces available.

Lin to the official Raw Materials Week 2018 website:

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