ICAMCYL Makes Castilla y León a pioneer for the implementation of the New European Innovation Agenda
Icamcyl in the media / 18-08-2023
ICAMCyL Foundation is consolidated in 2023 as 'Innovation Prosecutor', in its desire to make Castilla y León a pioneer in the European region for the implementation of the New European Innovation Agenda, thanks to the efforts of its team and the management of its general director, Santiago Cuesta López, who reports that the main objective of this body is none other than make this community the EU’s main region for entrepreneurship and the technological vanguard. A region full of opportunities for self-employment and innovation, with a leading ecosystem that attracts investments from all over the world along the value chain of raw materials», says the representative of the foundation.
It should be noted that ICAMCyL has managed to coordinate, in the first half of 2023, European actions mobilizing 80 million euros, of which more than €1.5 million from the Horizon Europe programme will benefit León in projects for such important sectors as the sustainability of raw materials, the strategic supply of materials, the digitisation of the mining sector and its recovery, remediation of the environment, or as CO2 capture.
Thus, the results of ICAMCYL in the last two years report more than 200 million euros in European technological projects mobilized, and more than 4 million euros in innovation actions that «They stay in León, because our goal is to boost the province, taking advantage of the new European strategy on Energy, Food, Advanced Materials and Raw Materials», underlines Cuesta López.
Visit La Nueva Crónica de León to read the full article(ESP) within the specialised Technology Magazine.