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ICAMCyL presents a session on the Regional Innovation Valleys at the RawMat 2023 conference in Athens

Icamcyl in the media / 26-09-2023

The General Manager of the ICAMCyL Foundation, Santiago Cuesta López, was invited to the international RawMat23 conference on raw materials and circular economy that was held in Athens at the beginning of September.  Following the success of its first call last year, this second international conference entitled "Raw Materials and Circular Economy - Raw Materials: setting the foundation for the Green Transition" has been organised by the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and the Technical Chamber of Greece under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Association of Mining Companies.

At a critical time for the industry, Cuesta López has commented on opportunities in recycling and substitution for the sector following the publication of the RAW MATERIALS ACT in March this year, influencing the initiatives that the foundation implements in the region of Castilla y León through European financing instruments such as I3. This is what the director of the foundation emphasised, "it is a question of stopping the European dependence on the outside world for the obtaining of essential raw materials. These materials are often extracted under questionable socio-environmental conditions and expose the EU to price volatility and limited sovereignty". 

RawMat23 has been the perfect setting to bring together the academic community, engineers, senior scientists, industry executives, policy makers, and other professionals in the field of raw materials and circular economy for a wide interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge.  

The ICAMCyL Foundation is consolidated in 2023 as 'Innovation procurator', in its desire to make Castile and León a pioneer in the European region for the implementation of the New European Innovation Agenda.

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