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Connecting Leonese companies with European innovation and funding.

Icamcyl in the media / 31-10-2024

Over the past year, the ICAMCyL Foundation, based in León, has mobilized a total investment of 5.2 million euros, of which 4 million have had a direct impact in Castilla y León, benefiting 12 entities in the region. These resources have driven projects that strengthen industrial competitiveness, promote sustainability, and develop advanced technologies.

The International Center for Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castilla y León (ICAMCyL) has been key in connecting regional companies with European funding opportunities and innovation support: "We act as a bridge between local needs and international networks of knowledge and resources, ensuring that companies can tackle their challenges with the support of the best available partners and tools."

Its aim is to support the region's industrial network in alignment with the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3).

This year, they have led strategic projects in areas such as eco-innovation, critical material substitution, and the development of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and advanced materials. These projects not only enhance competitiveness in sectors such as mining and automotive but also promote a more resilient and sustainable industry.

Since its creation, ICAMCyL has worked with 247 partners from 27 European countries and has managed 29 projects with diverse themes and sectors. They have focused on key pillars such as traceability and transparency in complex supply chains through the MaDiTraCe project, the development of green and circular mining through projects like I4-Green, and the acceleration of sustainable mobility and its industry through the PASSENGER project.

Thanks to its experience and multidisciplinary team, ICAMCyL can help companies identify opportunities, establish strategic partnerships, and develop innovative solutions that enable them to stand out in a global market.

“Our commitment: to transform the natural resources and industrial capacity of Castilla y León into a competitive advantage for our companies. Through ICAMCyL, we create a bridge to Europe, connecting local innovation with global opportunities.”

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