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ICAMCyL hosts the 2nd General Assembly of the Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC)

Our day by day / 01-06-2019

The Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) joined last month at the Technology Park of León to celebrate its 2nd General Assembly. The purpose of the meeting was to review the achievements of recent months and the objectives for the immediate future. We also welcomed new members and collaborating entities.

This year, the cluster has submitted seven project proposals that are eligible for funding in the European Union. These proposals aim at finding new industrial uses for coal mining waste, as well as boost the industrial use of strategic and critical raw materials present in the European subsoil, thus reducing Europe's dependence on imports of these materials.

Short term, a main objective of the cluster is to attract as many companies working on sustainable mining as possible, following the European guidelines for reconciling extractive activities and environmental goals. Although the cluster works to increase impact in Spain, it also wants to attract companies from other countries that are related to sustainable practices in mining, for instance, the recovery of territories after the closure of a mine. A collaboration agreement has already been signed with the Cluster of Sonora, in Mexico, with which the cluster will develop joint activities.

Participating in European projects will be key for the cluster to have an impact at European level, boosting members' businesses and promoting new and innovative mining projects, specifically among SMEs. This commitment is in line with the objectives of the EU in terms of guaranteeing access to raw materials for high-tech industries and promoting sustainable mining practices, ones that contribute to the Circular Economy strategy and resource efficiency.

The cluster already has 48 members accounting for more than 1,200 jobs and 600 M€ of turnover. 78% of the members are SMEs and together they represent 0.038% of Spain's GDP. Collaborating entities of the cluster are Business Competitiveness Institute of Junta de Castilla y León, the Mineral Engineering Research Group (TEP 222) at the University of Jaén, the University of León and the Official College of Mining Engineers of the Center of Spain. Last companies to join the cluster are Lurpelan, Hedisa Group, Advanced Mineral Processing, Iberian IMQ, Geosense, Qualifica2, Ayma, Strategic Recycling & Smelting and Perforaciones Noroeste.

Current members of ISMC:

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