Workshop on rare earth mining and environmental impact in Castilla-La Mancha
Our day by day / 25-09-2018On 26th September a workshop about rare earth mining and its environmental impact will take place in Ciudad Real organized by the Graduate School of Agricultural Engineers with the research group ApNANO and the support from ICAMCyL Foundation, IMDEA Nanoscience and the Politechnical University of Madrid amongst others. National and international experts in the fields of raw materials, mining, environmentla impact, radiological risks and soil recovery will participate in the event. We will count with the presecne of Tony Hand, senior advisor in mining and sustainability for the European Institute of Technology (EIT), key institution at European level for raw materials realted issues.
Our general director Santiago Cuesta-López will present the strategy and key activities for raw materials in the Castilla y León region, with an emphasis on the Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) that has been promoted and will be managed by ICAMCyL. The cluster will be officially presented the next day at the Technology Park of León.
Graduate School of Agricultural Engineers, UCLM
Ciudad Real, 26th September 2018