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The University of León and ICAMCyL drive research about raw materials in Northwest Spain

Our day by day / 19-12-2024

The University of León (ULE) and the International Center for Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castilla y León (ICAMCyL) have renewed their collaboration agreement to continue strengthening research and development in the field of strategic raw materials.

This initiative aligns with the goals outlined in the new European legislation on raw materials, reaffirming both institutions' commitment to working together on key projects for the region.

The signing of the agreement, which took place this Wednesday, reflects mutual interest in expanding cooperation in the areas of training and education, with special attention to excellence programs such as the Marie Curie scholarships.

During the signing ceremony, ULE’s Rector, Nuria González, emphasized that the agreement aims to establish a center of excellence for research and knowledge transfer on strategic raw materials in the northwest of Spain. “We are not only strengthening our prior relationship but also opening new opportunities for innovation and development through an initiative aimed at creating this HUB for research and innovation,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Santiago Cuesta, ICAMCyL’s General Director, highlighted the impact of this collaboration: “We are laying the foundation for León to become a key point in advancing research and sustainability in this sector. Working alongside the University of León is essential to developing technologies and processes that ensure the competitiveness of European industry.”

The agreement includes initiatives for joint research and technological development in priority areas such as sustainable mining and the circular economy. It also commits to fostering innovation in the province of León, ensuring that the scientific knowledge generated has practical applications within the industrial sector.

“This agreement will allow us to continue offering high-quality educational programs and will facilitate opportunities for our students to carry out undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral projects focused on the region’s strategic needs,” added Rector Nuria González. “It is a crucial step in training future professionals who will lead change in the raw materials industry.”

Additionally, the collaboration includes organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences aimed at disseminating achieved advancements and promoting dialogue among academic experts, researchers, and key sector stakeholders. These activities seek to maximize the impact of scientific discoveries and accelerate their implementation in the market.

This renewed agreement strengthens ULE and ICAMCyL’s commitment to innovation, education, and sustainable development, making a significant contribution to the economic and technological progress of León and the entire northwest of Spain.






Ahora León.



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