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Regional projects

A key goal for ICAMCyL is to promote regional development through our participation in R&D&I projects with companies, regional bodies and other research and training institutions aligned with the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) of Castilla y León in Spain. Our strong industrial links allow us to contribute to the strengthening of the business landscape in Castilla y León, working closely with many different sectors, from mining technologies to the development of new advanced materials for energy, automotive and aeronautics.

The following list includes some of the projects we are currently working on, together with the entity that provides the funding.

ICA-BOOSTER: Consolidación y fortalecimiento de la Unidad de Programas Europeos de ICAMCyL
ICA-BOOSTER: Consolidación y fortalecimiento de la Unidad de Programas Europeos de ICAMCyL

ICA-BOOSTER: Consolidación y fortalecimiento de la Unidad de Programas Europeos de ICAMCyL

Call: 2023 Call for Applications for Grants to Support the Preparation and Management of European Projects and to Facilitate the Attraction of International Talent. ID BDNS: 68623 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025

The main objective of the initiative is to foster and stimulate ICAMCyL's participation in Horizon Europe projects, increasing the return figures measured through approved proposals and improving current success rates. This will be achieved by optimizing the entity's innovation management process and making better use of available resources, resulting in cost savings and enhanced competitiveness for the entity. To achieve these objectives, dynamization activities will be organized, and participation in strategic actions aimed at strengthening the European Programs Unit within the Foundation and technological innovation in the region will be undertaken, supporting innovation in local SMEs. La publicación/resultado/equipamiento/video/actividad/contrato/otros es parte de la actuación GPE2023-001394-P, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, siendo GPE2023-001394-P la referencia que figura en la resolución de concesión; MCIN el acrónimo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; AEI el acrónimo de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación; y 10.13039/501100011033 el DOI (Digital Object Identifier) de la Agencia.


Call: CENTR@TEC3 Programme 1/10/2021 – 30/09/2023

"CENTR @ TEC3" is a Training program and support for business R + D + I of the Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial (ICE) in collaboration with technological Centers of Castilla y León, which are part of the Network of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Castile and Lion ( In addition to including the strengthening of the structures of the centers, the CENTR@TEC program includes training actions and the development of personalized services and high value added to companies of Castilla y León. These services consist of: -Realization of diagnoses and the consequent development of a personalized innovation plan, in the fields of industry 4.0, incorporation of TICS and innovation in processes and design of products / services. -Bushing for technical-based technology entrepreneurs of technical feasibility and prototyling construction. -Impulse the internationalization of regional companies, through advice for participation in European projects.
Ha-MiTWINS Study and research in the application of Digital Twins in essential industries of Castilla y León, for the optimization of energy consumption
Ha-MiTWINS Study and research in the application of Digital Twins in essential industries of Castilla y León, for the optimization of energy consumption

Ha-MiTWINS Study and research in the application of Digital Twins in essential industries of Castilla y León, for the optimization of energy consumption

Call: Regional funds: Call in non-competitive competition for R&D projects in effective collaboration between technology centers and companies in Castilla y León, co-financed by the FEDER. 31/12/2020 – 30/06/2023

The purpose of this Research Project is to optimize key aspects such as energy consumption and the health of workers. The Ha-Mi Twins project aims to improve and ensure the competitiveness of companies through the investigation of a system that allows optimizing the management of energy resources and, in the same way, identifying concrete improvement measures on any point of the installation that direct or indirect information (inferred through other variables) is available through digitization. The applications and opportunities that this project offers for companies are multiple, starting with the improvement of the traceability of the processes and the reduction of maintenance and investment costs, in addition to the efficient integration and greater use of new incipient elements in the industry.
MATMIN-ENew digital techniques for advanced materials, use of endogenous resources and energy
MATMIN-ENew digital techniques for advanced materials, use of endogenous resources and energy

MATMIN-ENew digital techniques for advanced materials, use of endogenous resources and energy

Call: Subsidies for carrying out R&D projects of regional interest aimed at excellence and competitive improvement of the Technological Centers of Castilla y León co-financed with FEDER 2014 – 2020 (EXCELLENCE CENTERS) 01/11/2020 – 01/11/2022

The MATMin-e project aims to develop four basic R&D pilots of interest for the strategic priorities of the Center and the Community of Castilla y León. These pilots make up a complete methodology that will provide advanced capabilities in four current fields fundamental to industrial development: Digitization, Multiscale Physical Simulation, Energy Management and Machine Learning and Massive Data Analysis.
 EXPLOREMAT Exploration of new advanced materials using computational modeling techniques
 EXPLOREMAT Exploration of new advanced materials using computational modeling techniques

EXPLOREMAT Exploration of new advanced materials using computational modeling techniques

Call: JCyL- ICE (Budget allocation number 02.22.467B01.780.82.0). Regional funds. No: 18/ADE090/LE/0001. 01/12/2017 – 31/03/2020

Exploremat pursues the development of new advanced materials through cutting-edge computational methods, based on multiscale modelling techniques and computational discovery of new materials with technological interest. Special attention is given to the potential valorisation of the raw materials present in Castilla y León. The project focuses on three main lines of research: new materials for the photovoltaic industry, nanocrystalline alloys for aeronautical applications and advanced materials for nuclear fusion energy.
VALUECYL Technological valorisation of secondary raw materials in Castilla y León
VALUECYL Technological valorisation of secondary raw materials in Castilla y León

VALUECYL Technological valorisation of secondary raw materials in Castilla y León

Call: JCyL- ICE (Budget allocation number 02.22.467B01.780.82.0). Regional funds. No: 18/ADE090/LE/0001. 01/12/2017 – 31/03/2020

VALUECYL Technological valorisation of secondary raw materials in Castilla y León VALUECyL focuses on the assessment of the valorisation potential of secondary raw materials in Castilla y León. In particular, VALUECyL studies the recovery potential of mining waste derived from tailings in the region. The project also evaluates the ability to transfer recovery technologies and knowledge to both the industrial sector and the main high-added value technologies at European and international level.
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