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European Programmes Unit

The attraction of regional, national and European research funds represents an important activity within the Foundation, since it not only allows to establish an additional source of income, but also to develop synergies with entities and Institutions that we have previously collaborated with, and establish new collaborative schemes that will enable to broaden the scope and contact network of ICAMCyL. 

The European Programmes Unit, within the Administration and Management Division, provides support to the General Direction and the remaining Divisions of the Foundation in the search for funding in competitive calls at international level, with special interest in the European funds  from Horizon 2020 programme (H2020) and other cooperation regional and international programmes aligned with the RIS3 strategies like Interreg Europe. Since the launching of the Foundation, several activities in this respect have allowed to position ICAMCyL in several European Consortia of relevance within the H2020, COST and KIC programmes.

Currently, the Unit is carrying out an intensive work in the search for partners and the participation of ICAMCyL in European projects (H2020, ERA-NET, INTERREG, RFCS, EERA, etc.). We can highlight the following main duties:     

  • Bibliography overview and revision; preparation of state-of-the-art reports
  • Attendance to relevant workshops, info days, industrial events and conferences
  • Search for funding opportunities
  • Promote the participation of  the scientific personnel from the Foundation in European calls
  • Writing, edition and improvement of proposals
  • Monitoring and follow-up of financial and technical reporting of awarded European projects
  • Development of internal training actions and activities to the scientific and administrative personnel
  • Hosting students and other young trainees to develop professional profiles in project management 

If you have a project idea and want to develop it, you are looking for partners for your proposal or you need an state-of-the-art report in any of the technologies of interest for the Foundation, do not hesitate contacting us and we will help you to find the best possible solution to your idea.

Telephone: (+34) 687 273 600
E-mail: europa(at)


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