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Mining and Materials Processing Division

The Mining and Materials Processing Division arises from the need to search for novel solutions for advanced mining technologies, including exploration, processign and classification of the mineral richeness in the region of Castilla y León, and the different possibilities of exploitation. The processing and recovery of raw materials, waste management and new valorisation opportunities for environmental protection are therefore a priority. Due to the critical nature of several raw materials for the European economy and society, a sustainable supply for many of them is scarce, and in some cases, probably not sufficient in the near future. 

The main objective of this scientific Division is to carry out research & development activities and technological services to the enterprises (particularly SMEs) in the fields of mining and materials processing in order to contribute to the progress of the business, academic, goverment and social sectors in Castilla y León, focusing on the mining and associated services sector. For the implementation of satisfactory technological solutions for both SMEs and society, this Division will be responsible of putting into operation an effective and environmentally friendly methodology. For this, we count with the future singular laboratories in La Robla, a small town located in a region with a broad experience in the industrial and mining sectors.    

The Division is currently working on the investigation of the potential for mineral resources and raw materials in Castilla y León, with the aim of exploring the possibilities and richness of dumps nad tailings accumulated over time in the mining activity throughout the region. The utilisation of these valuable resources will allow to generate economic wealth and the positioning of the region as European flagship in raw materials, transforming CyL in a knowledge and technology hub in advanced materials and nanotechnology. ICAMCyL is also working on the development of mining databases that will allow us to establish an exhaustive directory for

  • Existing and active exploitations and deposits
  • Existing and non-active exploitations and deposits alongside their future exploitation strategies
  • Localions for possible deposits not exploited yet

The obtained results will be incorporated into the European database RMIS (Raw Materials Information System).[1]


Telephone: (+34) 987 440 481
E-mail: miningandprocessing(at)


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