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Our Trustees

ICAMCyL moves forward thanks to the impulse and boost from our committed trustees, industries and enterprises of international reference in the mining and raw materials transformation, manufacturing, automotive and aerospace sectors amongst others.

Current list of ICAMCyL Trustees



TVITEC is a recenly founded company but deeply rooted in the glass sector. Founded in 2007, is a company with an entrepeneur spirit and great ambition, boosted by a high qualification and experienced human team in the transformation of architectural glass. From the excellence in quality as its flagship, TVITEC offers solutions and a variety of products either for the small and high installers and also for large-scale architectural works. In total, TVITEC has more than 110.000 square meters between their own factories and collaborators, dedicated to the transformation of high-quality glass, inclduing its main production center in Cubillos del Sil (León, Spain), where they own an 85.000 m2, the biggest in Europe. TVITEC manufactura one of the biggest architectural glasses in Europe, up to 12 by 3.3 meters. Tempered glass, laminated, screen-printed and double glazing for spectacular architectural facades and commercial spaces.


From almost half a century, PEAL has especialised in the execution of big mining and civil works projects, becoming nowadays one of the most important leaders at national and international level. The company focus its activities in the construction of public and private works, excavation, land transport, perforations, probes and maintenance works, reparation, goods transport, and purchase/selling of machinery.
Diputación de León

Diputación de León

The Council is the goverment and administration body of the León province, as local entity, with a Public Corporation character. It embraces all municipalities of León and amongst its main duties is to provide with infraestructures to the province localities as well as to promote their development.
Bench and Ground

Bench and Ground

Bench & Ground is a consulting company resulting from the integration of professional experts with a long history and experience in several areas related to mining, civil works, agricultural and related sectors. Their services cover the wide and complex map of disciplines related with the described activities; from technical services like project preparation, engineering services, technical direction of operations, consulting services in quality and health or implementation of quality standards, to law services like application and consulting services in administrative files, environmental, minign and urbanistic law or licenses and authorisations.
TRESCA Ingeniería S.A.

TRESCA Ingeniería S.A.

Tresca Ingeniería is born in 2001, constituted as a company for engineering services and industrial consultancy, focusing on the residential, terciary and agrofood sectors. With time and gained experience, they opened their scope of action to the industrial and energy sectors, expanding their presence nationally and internationally. Currently, Tresca Ingeniería has delegations in Madrid and León. Its team is composed of medium and higher grade engineers, with an adequate equilibrium between youth and experience, which confers them with the flexibility to adapt to novel environments and to apply the latest technologies, in the delivery of services to engineering and consultancy.

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